Aero Inspection is happy to announce that we have achieved EASA & FAA approval for borescope inspections on the Trent XWB and Trent 1000 engines as well as the HGT1700 & APS5000 APUs. After a yearlong preparation, and a training programme with Rolls Royce, Aero Inspection is now approved to complete borescope inspections on the Airbus A350 XWB & Boeing 787. Peter Bagnell, Managing Director- Asia tells us that “These new approvals are an important part of our long term strategy. There is a current demand in the market to support the A350 and B787 operators, and we have positioned ourselves to support aircraft lessors for A350 and B787 Return Off Lease Inspections”.

In tandem with this process Aero Inspection also achieved approval on the General Electric CF34 engine. “With aircraft demand in Asia and Europe forecast to increase steadily until 2035 there are very strong prospects for regional jets. We are delighted to have the expertise and approval to support this market” added Peter. Aero Inspection now has one of the largest range of engineapprovals in the industry. Operations Manager OwenBagnell is excited by the new addition; “The CFM56 and V2500 will always be the backbone of the leased market,but to have the Trent 1000, the XWB & the CF34 is really good for us, alongside both engine options on the A380 we are really offering the full package”. Aero Inspection is now positioned to continue offering its services well into the future but there is no time to celebrate, already plans and training programmes are being drawn up for OEM training and EASA & FAA approval on the PW1000G and the LEAP.Contact Details:Shannon: +353 61 353 747Singapore: +65 9827 9002AOG: +353 86 330 747-4Technicalservices@michaelo88.sg-host.com